About me

About Me

Cole Michael

I like to make things. I've never felt constrained to one style or medium - my projects often stem from a feeling I felt or want to represent. I simply work my way outwards and pick the medium that best fits the idea. Over the years, it's helped me acquire many skills that I can leverage into opportunities.

I've been making things for as long as I can remember. To a fault even. It's all i've ever been interested in or done. It's taken me all over the country, made me meet new people, & taught me more about myself than I thought possible. I plan to continue learning and growing alongside my art, like it does me.


Provide Value


Communication is the cornerstone of any business relationship. It's the duty of both parties to be clear and concise on what to expect from the other.


I'm not talking about rushed speed. I'm taking about a decade of perfecting my workflow speed. I get things done as efficiently as possible; as to maintain a certain standard.


When my name is associated with a task, I ensure it's done to the highest standard. I take great pride in upholding consistent quality.